The Lunar Surface MAGnetometer (LSMAG) will measure the magnetic
field on the lunar surface in situ. LSMAG consists of two fluxgate
magnetometers and an accelerometer including a three-axis AMR
sensor. LSMAG's measurements will be useful for investigating the
magnetic field environment of the lunar surface and modeling the
strength and direction of dipole sources buried near the lunar
surface. It will also track the time variation of the magnetic
field in order to study the space weathering of the magnetic
field. Its data will also be used to estimate the magnetic field
strength of the lunar paleo-dynamo using the magnetic field
strength on the surface and the corresponding direction and depth
of the source.
LSMAG will also provide multipoint
in-situ observation possibly in conjunction with other
magnetometers onboard orbiters at different altitudes such as
those onboard the ARTEMIS and the Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter
(KPLO or Danuri), as well as those onboard other lunar landers.
Attributed to the heritages of KMAG (KPLO
MAGnetometer) aboard the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO).